Not much more is known about it, neither actors nor date of the first series and / movie, since everything is still at a very early stage, but Netflix has promised that they will make classic stories "extracted directly from the books we already know , whose titles are (in order of publication, not chronological): The lion, the witch and the closet (1950), new sci fi audiobooks Prince Caspian (1951), The Voyage of the Voyager of the Dawn (1952), The Silver Chair (1953) , The horse and the boy (1954), the nephew of the magician (1955) and the last battle (1956). As for Grim Oak Press, to say that it is an editorial specialized in publishing science fiction and fantasy in the form of limited special editions signed by the authors.
For those who do not know, Oblivion Song is a science fiction comic published by Image Comics in the United States as a regular series that tells the story of a scientist who does not give up his efforts to save the 300,000 inhabitants of Philadelphia who mysteriously disappeared in the area now known as Oblivion after opening a gap to another dimension populated by monsters of large proportions. This is How Long 'til Black Future Month ?, as it has been titled in Spanish, The city that was born great and other stories, and as such it is a compilation of the short narrative of this author of speculative fiction that has won three consecutive times the Hugo Prize for the best novel for his trilogy The Fragmented Land "—The fifth season (2015), The portal of the obelisks (2016) and The sky of stone (2017) -. The creator of Sandman introduces Penguin Galaxy, the new limited series of six deliveries of fantasy and science fiction from Penguin.

I have not included science fiction books or dystopia, since at the time I made a top of recommended dystopia Without further delay, let's start talking about books. Some have done so in poetic and spiritual terms and we cannot classify these works as precursors of science fiction: Dante Alighieri, in The Divine Comedy (1321), narrates how the poet is raised towards the Moon thanks to a cloud and finds there the souls who had not been able to fulfill their vow in life. Absolute reference, inspiring of many literary works (the British HG Wells, in his The First Men in the Moon (1901)) and cinematographic (the novel was first adapted in 1902 by Georges Méliès ), From Earth to the Moon is a throbbing and extraordinary adventure.
Several authors cite him as a precursor to the science fiction genre. This literary genre created by More is based on a paradox: on the one hand the author created a work of fiction without any link to reality, in which everything is imaginary (the name of the island, the river ...). The plot of these novels is very similar and has been abundantly exploited in science fiction literature and cinema of the twentieth century: after an industrial catastrophe, civilization is destroyed and men are forced to return to nature, Out of technological gigantism.
His novel The Republic of the future is set in New York in the year 2050. In The Iron heel, published by Jack London, published In 1908, an observer of the XXIV century analyzes the events of a socialist revolution begun in 1914 and 1918 against best sci fi audiobooks the fascist tyranny that has ruled the United States since then. It is one of the first works of the subgenus of counter-utopias and inspired, among other works, A Happy World (1932), by Aldous Huxley, the novel 1984 (1949) by George Orwell.

However, the reading of La Fin d'Illa (The End of Illa, audiobook in French), a novel published by deliveries in 1925 in the journal Science et voyages, leads to regret that its author has not given free course to your imagination more often. Micromegas defended himself with a lot of salt; the women were declared in their favor, since after two hundred and twenty years that had lasted the pley, the mufti did condemn the book for qualifiers who had not read it, nor knew how to read, and the author was banished from court by Eight hundred years time. Science fiction is a way to move to other times, and there have been many authors who have entered this genre.
This is Professor Challenger, a famous and irascible zoologist, who begins his adventures in the novel The Lost World (The Lost World, audiobook in English). During an exploration in South America, the professor and his team discover a plateau still populated with prehistoric beings: dinosaurs, of course, and especially hominids ... The Mort de la Terre (The Death of the Earth), published good sci fi audiobooks in 1910, is without a doubt one of the best novels of the older brother, J.-H. Rosny aîné (very famous for her novel from the prehistoric era La Guerre du feu (The War of Fire, 1911) and the one that retains the greatest news: describes a humanity that has failed to adapt to its environment, turned on itself, unable of conceiving oneself in the vastness of the universe.